Celebrating Excellence in global Biogas Industry.
And the winner is…. “SIAT, First Large Scale Biogas Plants in West Africa, A Hope for the Palm Oil Sector.”
Siat has emerged as the winner of an award by the World Biogas Awards in the category of Best Agricultural Plant. Please see link below http://adbioresources.org/events/awards/
The ceremony took place in Birmingham, United Kingdom, during the World Biogas Expo 2018, on July 11th.
Attended by the most important actors in the Anaerobic Digestion and Biogas industry in the world. http://www.biogastradeshow.com/
The award was taken by Alex Bulnes, of Siat, who has led the investment projects in the palm bio-methanization plants in Presco and GOPDC.
We are very proud of this achievement!
Palm oil industrial processes generates high quantities of organic waste. In terms of energy, most of these factories are located in remote areas, where the only electricity sources come from fossil fuels. With the aim of making a change from an environmental point of view, SIAT has invested in sustainability, creating a precedent for the Palm oil sector in West Africa, by installing two large scale Anaerobic Digestion and Biogas plants, positioning SIAT group as the first palm oil industry in West Africa, investing in large scale Anaerobic Digestion & Biogas projects.
With a total of 40,000 m3 of Anaerobic Digesters volume, between the Ghana and Nigeria facilities, both projects were commissioned in 2014. Up to end of 2017, SIAT has been able to treat close to 950,000 m3 of palm oil mill effluent, representing approximately 56,500,000 kg COD Organic Load removed.
In addition SIAT is using part of the sludge and treated effluent as organic fertilizer for the plantation, reducing the use of chemical fertilizers in some plantation parcels where this anaerobic sludge is applied.
As for the Biogas captured, SIAT has been able to replace a total of 10,420,000.00 litres of fossil fuel in boilers to produce thermal power (steam for the process). At present SIAT is ready for the next step, to improve the biogas use by installing a 2MW biogas Genset to generate electricity. With the help of biomass available along with the biogas produced, we’re looking forward to run 100% green power.
We believe that if most of companies start to follow the example by using this renewable sources of energy, then we still have hope for the environment. Let’s make our planet great again.