The management of the Siat Group is committed to its highest level, policies and commitments applicable to all subsidiaries and annual reports can be found on the Siat Group website
by clicking HERE
GOPDC has a deep recognition for its environmental responsibilities and is engaged in a continuous improvement of its environmental performance. An Environmental Management Plan has been drawn up and continuous efforts are made to ensure its implementation.
GOPDC augments the economic activity in its region of operation and in doing so it provides employment and income (directly and indirectly) to more than 50,000 people.
Besides the creation of jobs, investment in education and health are also essential in social development. On the Kwae Estate, GOPDC runs a school from kindergarten to Junior High School level for approximately 500 pupils. A team of 26 teachers, under guidance of a headmaster, is taking care of the daily operations at the school.
We value your comments, please feel free to use the questionnaire below to send us any suggestion, complaint or grievance. All questionnaires will be treated promptly and we will revert back to you if you request it.