Our future is turned towards energy mixes and the use of renewable energies.
In recent years, the Siat Group has invested heavily in these fields (see Focus on co-generation).In 2018, the group was awarded the prize of: "Best International Agricultural Plant – Siat, First Large Scale AD & Biogas Plants in West Africa: A Hope for the Palm Oil Sector", awarded jointly by the World Biogas Association and the United Kingdom.
Anaerobic Digestion & Bioresources Association (ADBA).
This award recognizes the two biogas plants installed at GOPDC (Ghana) and Presco (Nigeria) to recover, by anaerobic fermentation, methane from organic sludge contained in oil mill effluents.
Methane, a very strong greenhouse gas, is captured, and while used as energy effluent and sludge are treated.
In 2019, GOPDC and CHC was awarded the prize of: “Energy Globe Award” (https://www.energyglobe.info/), respectively for Biomethanation and Cogeneration. It is awarded annually to projects focusing on energy efficiency, renewable energies and the conservation of resources.